Friday, January 29, 2010

A saving prayer

"Whatever not of faith is sin" (Romans 4:13).

"For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it."
(James 2:10).

Whether you have been attending a church all your life, or if you have never, or if you are somewhere in between, if you desire eternal life, pray this prayer. If you mean it, if you truly mean it, it will forever join you to Christ and eternal, joyful life.

Almighty God, I cannot escape from your pursuit. You have found me and inclined my heart to believe in you.

I confess my sins which are worthy of eternal punishment.

And I believe now in Jesus, that as your Son he died to bear my sin and punishment, so I could live forever and walk in newness of life. I take him as my only hope and acknowledge him as my Lord. Teach me to follow him always.

Thank you, Father, for your forgiveness and your promise to be with me. Guard me now from the evil one.


And now you can join in a hymn of truth and life,

Nothing can for sin atone, Nothing but the blood of Jesus; Naught of good that I have done, Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

1 comment:

J. K. Jones said...


"I take him as my only hope..."

That may be the key to the N. T. Wright discussion we are having over at my blog. Is Jesus our only (!) hope or not?

If He is our only hope, we are Christians. We don't hope in Him and in our works. We don't hope in him and the works that flow from that hope. We hope only in Him and what He did.

That is justification by faith alone.